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The Migrating Map of SaddleBrooke Ranch


When the PoisonedWells site first made it's appearance on the web, it contained a link to the the map of SaddleBrooke Ranch on the Robson website. 

Robson personnel apparently didn't want PoisonedWells readers to see the map of SaddleBrooke, as they moved the map very frequently so as to break the links to the map from pages on PoisonedWells.com. I tracked the movement of the map,  updated the links to the map on the PoisonedWells site and kept a history of this curious behavior by Robson Communities. 

The history of the migration of the map by Robson personnel follows later on this page. 

 To What End?

I am completely baffled as to why a company like Robson Communities would engage in the rather curious behavior of moving a page around so as to break links to their website from other websites.  Normally, companies that put up a website encourage visitors, rather than discourage them.

This behavior is especially baffling because of the fact that the continual movement of the SaddleBrooke Ranch map reflects poorly on Robson Communities in that it provides the impression that Robson is trying to hide something from the public.

A couple of things are clear, however:

  • Personnel at Robson Communities are interested in PoisonedWells, and apparently read it regularly
  • No one from Robson Communities has contacted me so as to correct an error in any of the facts presented on the PoisonedWells site. 
To my mind, Robson Communities would better serve the interest of their current and future customers by devoting their resources towards clarifying the facts regarding Page-Trowbridge radioactive/toxic waste landfill instead of squandering their resources in futile attempts to hide information from the public.

Dodger: The Mysterious Map Mover

While the identity of the person or persons moving the map is unknown, an interesting profile can be gleaned by the map movement information.  For the purpose of this section, we shall call the person or persons that move the map of SaddleBrooke Ranch around the Robson Communities website, 'Dodger':

  • Since the map is moved at times when employees would not normally be at work (e.g. the map was moved twice over the Labor Day weekend) Dodger very likely uses his/her home computer to move the map around the Robson Communities web site. 
  • Because of the fact that the continual movement of the SaddleBrooke Ranch map reflects poorly on Robson Communities, Dodger is probably in a position of authority at Robson.com -- to the extent that Dodger can move the map without too much fear of being reprimanded for letting a juvenile response on his/her part reflect poorly on the entire Robson company.
  • Commensurate with being in a position of authority, Dodger is in a position of trust at Robson Communities -- i.e. he/she is trusted to access and change the Robson web site -- Robson Communities cyber-face to the world.

  • Dodger is not a person that normally deals with web pages, as evidenced by the fact that several errors were introduced on the Robson site as the direct result of moving the map around. 
  • Dodger is likely given to name calling, as evidenced by the names used for the address of the map of SaddleBrooke Ranch (see below). 
The above strongly suggests that Dodger:
. . . is in a fairly high position at Robson Communities.

. . . frequently uses name calling.

. . .  frequently acts in a juvenile manner, even if it is not in the best interest, of Robson Communities..

Interesting Addresses

Some of the addresses for the page containing Robson's map of SaddleBrooke Ranch have been rather interesting, in that they afford insight to the mindset of one or more people at Robson Communities that have taken a hand in moving the map of SaddleBrooke Ranch. 

My personal favorite, as of this writing was this address, used on August 31, 2000 (emphasis supplied):


By on September 14, 2000, Robson Communities had apparently taken enough interest in me to "discover" my work on the Vincent Foster matter (I have had a website providing information from the official record of the investigation into the Foster matter for several years now). 

Robson Communities 'discovery' of my work on the Foster matter surfaced as another curious address for the page containing the map of SaddleBrooke Ranch (emphasis supplied):


Dodger, apparently came to see this reference as a bit obscure and on September 15, 2000 made the reference more overt by removing the "%20" characters and adding my name (this time with the correct spelling).

This effort on Dodger's part produced the following address for the SaddleBrooke Ranch map page (emphasis supplied):


If you are interested in my Foster work, click HERE

History of Robson Communities Attempt To Keep Readers Of Poisoned Wells From Viewing The Robson Map Of SaddleBrooke Ranch
The introduction page is updated on the PoisonedWells server to link to the SaddleBrooke Ranch Planned Area Development map.  At this date the address for the map is:
It is detected that Dodger has moved the map of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Planned Area Development. 

The new address of the map is:

Two days after the SaddleBrooke Ranch & Surrounding Area page was published to the PoisonedWells server, Dodger moved the map to a new address:
SaddleBrooke Ranch Map Not Available From Robson.com

When the page containing the SaddleBrooke Ranch map is moved, all the links to the map must be updated, including links on the Robson web site.  If these links are not updated, then users will get a 'page not found' error when they click on the link.

Today, as the page containing the map of the SaddleBrooke Ranch was moved hither and yon on the Robson server, Dodger introduces several link errors on the Robson web pages. 

The result is that as of this writing, the SaddleBrooke Ranch map cannot be seen from the Robson.com web site.  The only good link to the map at this point in time is the one below: 

Map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address:
Robson site continues to have broken links (e.g. the link that is supposed to show SaddleBrooke Units 42-45, instead shows the SaddleBrooke Ranch Map.

I have no idea who hutington is. 

JC Huntington
Map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address:

10:14:43 AM Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this URL:

3:36:23 PM Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address:
9/05/2000 9:29:18 P.M. Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address:
9/06/2000 5:07:49 P.M Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address:
9/07/2000 8:51:47 P.M Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this URL:
9/11/2000 8:27:13 A.M. Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address:


Also, Dodger has broken links on the Robson website again.  As of this writing, clicking on the link to view the SaddleBrooke Units 42-45 map shows the map for SaddleBrooke Ranch, not the map for Units 42-45.

9/11/2000 4:01:19 Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address:


Dodger has managed to fix links on the Robson website, after reading of his error on this page.

Also of interest is the fact that PoisonedWells.com is beginning to be discovered by search engines. 

For example, if one goes to Altavista.com and enters "SaddleBrooke" (with or without the quotes), a link to PoisonedWells will appear (currently the PoisonedWells link is the 17th entry in the results from Altavista, but that can and probably will, change -- no telling where the other search engines will place PoisonedWells -- maybe even in the top 5). 

On the other hand, if one goes to Altavista.com and enters "SaddleBrooke Ranch" (with quotes) PoisonedWells comes up #1 on the charts.

This means that people all over the planet that have an interest in SaddleBrooke or "SaddleBrooke Ranch" will soon begin finding the PoisonedWells site and reading the history of the Page-Trowbridge radioactive/toxic waste landfill . . . as well as reading this history of the migrating map of SaddleBrooke Ranch. 

Of course, Dodger can easily attempt to hide PoisonedWells from potential SaddleBrooke buyers -- merely change the name of the development, and no one will be the wiser . . . right Dodger?

9/12/2000 3:38:03 P.M. Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address:


3:24:14 P.M. Tucson time, image of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this URL:


9/14/2000 6:55:28 Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address: 
9/15/2000 10:05:31 PM Tucson time, map of SaddleBrooke Ranch moved to this address:
9/16/2000 Two days after the guide allowing readers of PoisonedWells to view the odd and clearly unprofessional addresses used by Robson Communities in a futile attempt to hide information from the public, Dodger moved the map to this rather ordinary address:

The objective of www.PoisonedWells.com is to provide interested citizens with news and information about the Page-Trowbridge radioactive/toxic waste landfill.

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