It has been reported that late last week the Robson-owned Lago del Oro
water company tested the SaddleBrooke water supply. SaddleBrooke's
sole source of water is the aquifer that lies beneath the Page-Trowbridge
radioactive/toxic waste landfill.
A new Lago del Oro web site ( has what promises
to be a link to allow readers to sign up for notification of the results,
indicating that the test results will be available soon.
Some have conjectured that the new test results will be presented at the
meeting planned for Friday, October 20, 1999, to address concerns regarding
the on-going threat to the SaddleBrooke water supply posed by the Page-Trowbridge
radioactive/toxic waste landfill.
The new Robson web site made its first appearance Sunday, October 15, 2000,
and contains the water test results previously published at another Robson
web site (
During the move of the test results page from one Robson site to another,
the title of the page was changed from Huntington believes in space
aliens.htm, to one that better reflects the actual content of the page.
The new title is Water Quality Reports 1997-2000.
The new Lago del Oro site also contains an article by James Polus, General
Manager of Utilities for Robson, claiming that the Page-Trowbridge radioactive/toxic
waste landfill has no effect on the Lago del Oro water supply.
In addition to publishing the claim on Robson web sites, Robson Communities
also published the claim in The SaddleBrooke Progress newspaper,
edited by Linda Robson.
Since the sole source of the Lago del Oro water supply is the aquifer that
lies beneath the Page-Trowbridge landfill, the claim by Robson Communities
that the landfill has no effect on the Lago del Oro water supply is a claim
that the landfill has no effect on the aquifer that lies beneath it.
date, contaminants detected in water taken from this aquifer have included,
dichloromethane, ethylbenzene, xylenes, toluene and other contaminants.
There is no known potential source for these contaminants except for the
Page-Trowbridge landfill.
assure that Robson Communities is not perceived to be making claims that
benefit the company yet have no basis in fact, the company will have to
prove their claim that the Page-Trowbridge has no effect on the Lago del
Oro water supply.
One way to do this would be to list all the contaminants detected (so far)
and then present facts that clearly show that the contaminants did not
originate at the Page-Trowbridge landfill.
Additionally, to provide a factual basis for their claim, Robson Communities
will have to explain how they know that the Page-Trowbridge landfill has
no effect on the aquifer beneath it, when the wells closest to the landfill
have not been monitored for contaminants for three or more years.
Monitoring the groundwater for dangerous compounds has been bypassed at
all three wells that supply Oracle with its water for three or more years.
Monitoring the groundwater for dangerous compounds has been bypassed at
the two Lago del Oro wells closest to the Page-Trowbridge landfill for
two or more years. |