The following is the text of a letter to the editor of the San Manuel Miner, printed in their edition of August 8, 2001.  Graphic added by

A Bitter Lesson In History . . . 

       How could people loose their right to vote in a western democratic society?

       It would be a gradual process that deprived a community of its most basic civil right.

       The deception started slowly, with gossip, distrust, and a lack of understanding. 

       The community was suffering from a ruined economy, and could not see an answer to their misfortune. 

       Some began voicing their suspicions and fears in newspapers. 

       The public was told that all their suffering was caused by a few.  “Those people” were the cause of everything that was wrong, and if they continued to have a say, then surely this would spell disaster for everyone else. 

       “They” were called names and labeled.  “They” were not to be trusted or listened to. “They” were blamed for the rise in crime, and the lack of jobs.  Though these were ridiculous claims, people began to avoid “them”. 

       It seemed easy to blame their plight on people who were once their friends and neighbors.

        Government officials joined in, saying that these people didn’t care about anyone else - “They only think about themselves.” 

       People began boycotting “their” businesses.  Month after month, the name-calling continued. 

       Even the most reasonable citizens began to believe that “those people” were greedy liars and should not be allowed to vote.  And even though “they” were many, their numbers were discredited. 

        “ For the good of all”, it was best to believe the government officials, and not in the dissenting “few”. 

       Propaganda fliers were distributed persuading the public that “voting was a waste of time”.  There was no need for the public to question the actions of the government, because these were the actions of their leader. 

       He had been voted into power to make decisions for the people. 

       The public trusted him to do so.  Public places were named in his honor.  If he called “those people” self centered and greedy, then certainly they were. 

       Of course this man did decide the fate of those “greedy few.” 

       When the government took away everyone’s right to vote, even this was foolishly celebrated by a few that were convinced that the “end justifies the means.”

       That’s how it happened a long time ago in Nazi Germany – a bitter lesson reminding us that those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.

Shirlene Ramirez
San Manuel, Arizona

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